Cristmas Time!

Day 561, 04:28 Published in Indonesia Romania by Bismark

Vote for Change! Vote for Victor Petrescu!

Here's ten reasons why your life as a matzanesian under Victor Petrescu as President would be better:

1. Victor Petrescu is a very nice guy. He's so nice that he'll send you flowers right after he TOs you.
2. Victor Petrescu will make sure that every indonesian apologises for the oppression of the south africans, of the indians, the australians, the pakistanis and of the russians
3. Victor Petrescu will give everyone free drinks and will let you pet his deers.
4. Victor Petrescu has telekinetic powers. He doesn't need to click the work, train, fight buttons. He just has to stare at the computer screen.
5.Victor Petrescu is so powerfull that when he sneezes, Feherlofia Koppany gets a cold.
6. Victor Petrescu is so smart that Zoli secretly wishes he was Victor Petrescu.
7. Victor Petrescu can bend time and space through sheer will power. He also makes damn good pizza.
8. Victor Petrescu once helped deliver a baby hanging from a Apache helicopter.
9. Victor Petrescu supports the legalisation of marijuana.
10. Victor Petrescu does not have a belly button.

On June the 5th YOU have the chance to make a difference. Vote VICTOR PETRESCU!

YES, you CAN!