Crazy Ferret Indutries on ERX

Day 871, 20:00 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by Crazy Ferret Indutries
Now Audited

Give a warm welcome to Crazy Ferret Indutries, the third Swiss Company on the ERX,
We are saving up money to start a Q5 food company,

We need your investments for our company, and here is why you should invest...
-It will help the Swiss Economy!, To my knowledge there are NO other SWISS Q5 food companies currently running, this company will open up jobs to the Swiss people, and with the estimated sales, it will be able to pay well AND consistently! Also, we will pay the surplus of our profits as dividends to our investors, after all, investors are investors, not donators! (Although some of those would be nice too XD)

And it would be super-duper nice!

Click here for Idiots too Stupid to Look it up! 😃

~Paul Proteus,
Co-Owner of CFI

By the way, our org is currently in Hungary, because we couldn't buy iron for our weapons in Switzerland