CP Update: Thank You

Day 1,142, 16:11 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Good evening. Well, it's my last day in office today.
I want to start by wishing the next President and his cabinet good luck. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did this month.

It was a great month. I don't know would I like to do it again, but it was certainly not as daunting as I thought it would be - largely thanks to the generous help and support I received throughout the month. But I think it may be unlikely since you're probably all sick of me... lol

Now I would just like to say what were the highlights and lowlights for me over the month...
The Goo😛 Presiding over the period of time where we RWed back 4 regions. It gave me immense satisfaction to come out of that crisis so quickly after being wiped out.
The Ba😛 The orangejuicmmm situation. To be honest I did not like having to compromise with the Dáil.
The Ugly: Being wiped out. I suffered the ignominy of being moved to eUK and it was not good that the eIrish President was living in eUK for a period of time...

My Gratitude:

I feel I must give my sincere thanks to the many people without whose contribution my job would be impossible. In particular, my cabinet were immense this month and I would like to say to the following people I really owe you one:
VP - mirek12345
MoD/CoS - Marcus, orangejuicmmm, Boris and Seanan
MoFA - JohnSmith 2K9
MoF/MoT - Dash, but particularly Dubhthaigh here
MoNC - Michael Hook, but mostly fr0fr0 here
MoC - James Keiller
MoImm - Jacques Cousteau

And further thanks of course must go to those who voted for me, and to anybody who supported and contributed their assistance to my Government and I in any way.

And now I will sign off with a suitable song for the occasion:
My Way

Yours in gratitude,
John Gormley
An Taoiseach (for a short time more)