CP Update Day 1128

Day 1,128, 17:39 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Hello. It has been away too long since I last wrote an update, so here I am tonight. I will get straight down to business...

Shannon and Southeast:
I think a lot of you know the result of our negotiations with eUSA last Sunday, but as I haven't written an update since then I will say it anyway.
After being a little uncertain for a while, I finally decided that the best thing to do would be to give Shannon for free to eUSA and rent out the Southeast. The Americans agreed to this and we secured a rental fee of 50 Gold per month.

This also has very good implications for our future national security. This is best illustrated in Sennan's article.

We were discussing in the Dáil about this and we came to the conclusion that we could probably only afford one MPP this month. When it seemed that Croatia may be heading for a peace treaty with the Serbs, we thought that Romania may be a better option. But that peace treaty hasn't materialised thus far, so Croatia is now looking more likely.

Meanwhile, eUSA were looking for a renewal of our MPP with them. I explained our situation that we felt that one MPP may be our limit and that we wanted that to be with Croatia. Josh Frost kindly offered that eUSA would pay our half of the MPP this month.
I would like to thank him here for the generosity of this action.

New Ministerial Appointment:
Tonight, Dubhthaigh was talking to me on IRC about a proposal himself and Marcus had for me. They wanted Dubhthaigh to be appointed as a Co-CoS with responsibility for redeveloping the IDF. I considered this proposal and I thought he would be great for this role, so I accepted this proposal.

It then occurred to me that Dubhthaigh would be great for the MoF role also due to the fact that DashRiprock is trying to do that role on his own currently while only being semi-active. I asked Dubh could he manage to somehow do both and he said yes because he felt the two roles fitted into each other perfectly.
As you may be aware, he has loads of experience in the finance role, so I believe he will do a great job.

I don't really have time tonight to fit in any of the other Ministries, so I will be sure to write another article tomorrow.

Good night.
John Gormley
eIrish President

PS: Check out my interview HERE. 🙂