CP Update Day 1118

Day 1,118, 16:35 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Apparently a week is a long time in politics and certainly the week that has passed since the Presidential election last Sunday epitomises that truism very well.
I am hoping tonight to report on some of the things that have happened in that time.

Ministry of Defence:
When I took over we were the subject of an all-out invasion and we subsequently lost all our regions. Since then though we have reclaimed four of them and the other two of our original regions are in the hands of a trusted ally. I think that's a good turnaround in less than a week.

The biggest talking point in this Ministry has been OJ's appointment as Co-Minister. Unfortunately my gamble of appointing him does not look like paying off, and I concede that if the Dáil votes to remove him I will have to do so. I swear I had good intentions in appointing him, and I am sorry if it has caused any feelings of anger or resentment. It looks like the move has backfired on me big-time, so I accept in hindsight it was probably a mistake.

Ministry of Finance:
This Ministry has not worked as well as I had hoped and, frustratingly, it is largely my fault. I appointed DashRiprock and Octavius Dryst which turned out to not be the best team because the latter had to resign and the former does not have very much time on his hands currently.
At the moment Dash is doing the job on his own but I may add someone soon to help him out.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs:
In contrast, this Ministry is doing very well under JohnSmith 2K9.
John began by revitalising the Ambassador program that was so successful in the past.
Lately, he has been negotiating with the Americans over exchange of high resource regions. I must also add that I am in favour of Shannon being kept by eUSA, so I will be working out the details of that.
I have been in near constant contact with John and he is doing Trojan work in terms of communicating with our allies. I am very happy with the progress he is making.

Ministry of New Citizens:
I have also been in contact a lot with fr0fr0 each day. Michael Hook not so much but he knows this Ministry inside-out so I trust him to do well even when I'm a bit out of touch with him.
fr0fr0 has been telling me that he has interesting ideas to try out, and I am looking forward to seeing those.

Also, the old org was lost so a new org was create😛
Irish Citizens Ministry

I think I may have found a real gem in James Keiller. 🙂 He really knows what he's doing in this Ministry.
He took over a pretty dead Ministry last Monday. Since then, he has published 2 excellent articles in which he very much revived the old favourites of the Community Awards and the National Lottery.
Plus, he has some more interesting ideas in the pipeline.
Moreover, not only is the Ministry self-financing it is in fact making a profit and sending this profit on to New Ireland Bank.
It is an understatement to say I am happy with James.

I am glad to report that Jacques Cousteau is another man doing a good job.
He is using the usual procedure of asking citizenship candidates to fill in the answers to a 7-question form and judging their suitability for citizenship from that.
Jacques is doing a quiet but efficient job in this role and I am satisfied I picked the right man for this job.

Well, that's about it. I am happy to have completed a decent first week in the job and I hope I will do as well next week.

I will leave you with the latest popular horse song. 🙂
Horse Outside

John Gormley
President of eIreland