CP Update 1114

Day 1,114, 16:14 Published in Ireland Ireland by John Gormley

Just a short update tonight because I want to get to bed at a reasonable time. 🙂

War Situation
Unless you were hiding under a rock or something, you will know that we lost our last region last night with eUK taking the Southeast. Sadly, we lost all our companies and parties to the British, and anyone in a formerly Irish party was moved to the eUK with the party. I am the first Irish CP to be moved outside the country while in office. I will stay in the party until I get the funds out of it and fight in a bit of the Cork and Kerry RW and then I will return home straightaway.
Incidentally, I realized I am actually able to put myself on the eUK CP candidate list and I did for a few seconds before removing myself. That is so strange...

Not all was lost last night. With a huge effort from John Snuggles in particular, we won the RW in Dublin and our capital has been returned. Tonight he started a RW in Cork and Kerry and I ask you all to fight for the resistance HERE.

I have had plenty of people contact me wanting to do RWs in other regions. We will get through all the RWs over the coming days and we will get our country back.
Then will begin the difficult process of rebuilding the country.

Report on the Ministries
The Department of Defence, clearly the busiest at the moment, had its first update from the official org today. They are already working hard to firstly get our country back and then to sort out the military structures.

The Community Ministry released a first article today also and James Keiller will bring back the usual stuff such as the awards and the lottery. It should be great.

Unlike yesterday, I was able to successfully get in contact with all other Ministers today. Their work is a little slow though because some still don't have org access which is a perenniel cause of frustration. They all have good plans though and will do well once things get up and running properly. Kolshire is handing out access to people, so it won't be a problem for long.

That's about it for tonight. If you have any questions, please send me a PM.

Oíche mhaith.
John Gormley
An Taoiseach