Cozza Leaves, Garven does a Srg and what really is meant to happen

Day 768, 22:48 Published in Australia Australia by patti11
Yo Garven, I'm really happy for you, and I'm a let you finish, but srg had the best attempted coup of ALL TIME

No I'm kidding, there is no reason to rip on you because you are taking action, but is it ever a bad time for a Kanye joke? No.

Now onto the article (and an attempt at my new sexy formatting)

Cozza Resigns | Garven Dreis Assumes Power | What is meant to happen | Other News-ASIO |

Cozza Resigns

Sadly, our Prime Minister Cozza has "resigned" from Prime Minister, citing he has had enough with the harassment and trolling, and no longer finds eRepublik an enjoyable experience, as it should be.
This harassment and trolling to be fair to those named, has some valid points and really is expected in any government around that world, Cozza just took it at a stressful time, when Australia was under attack, something no other Australian President has had to face in the modern era. By no means am I defending Cozza over his decision, I believe he should have stuck it out until the end of the term, but it is interesting to look at it from that point of view. Was Cozza doing a bad job? no, he helped secure the allies necessary to beat down Brazil, and get our lands back. Could he have done a better job? Yes.

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Garven Dreis Assumes Power

Everyone's favourite communist, in light of Cozza's resignation, has assumed power on IRC. I applaud him for his pro activeness, and readiness to step in if he is needed and am definitely not criticising for already hiring and rehiring new cabinet ministers (including me as dPM, woohoo!), but although he is definitely a front runner to be Prime Minister (he did come second in the elections by 1 vote) that is not the criteria for the person who takes over.

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What is meant to happen

I made a sexy forum post with crazy cool BBCode's but I will publish here again, minus the awesomeness.

[size=14pt]Cozza will be stuck as PM[/size]

There is absolutely no way for Cozza to be removed as Country President in game. The impeachment attempt failed and there is no way ingame to resign as CP.

Furthermore, with some detective work by myself and good ol' Adam Creedy (just look at that stern face), we dug up these bills in the now extremely dirty Senate Library (seriously Senate, get some good speakers to fix that place up, oh how I miss Xavier Griffith :'( )


Ok,ok, but first some history.

When srg91 proclaimed himself PM (sorry, I still find this hilarious srg) after Melchizedek Smith enjoyed a nice weekend off, 2 bills were presented to the Senate.



Due to the contradictory nature of these bills, a vote was held to see which one (if any) would pass into Australia Law.

Exhibit B, or Vorodors bill, or Acting Prime Minister Bill won.


Now I believe when DA left, Cozza didn't formally change his dPM. This means, this bill swings into action. Cabinet will hold a meeting (all current members of cabinet) and what we do will be decided. Our Inspector General DeanKong will be present as well, so we need his times first to organise it.

For this to work anyway, Cozza will need to act as a "proxy PM". If he doesn't want to do that, we will have to stick it out until the end of the term. If he doesn't want to do that either, well, we know how Russia due to following inequation:

President banned+ Failed Impeachment ≥ Inactive PM+ Failed Impeachment


Regardless, subscribe to keep updated on the matter.

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Other News-ASIO need agents

Since I plan this article to go top news (I mean, can you NOT vote this article? its an awesome format? and if not, at least give me some pity votes) I thought it would be a great time to open the door for those interested in working in Australia's Intel Agency, ASIO.

ASIO is Australia's security agency, which works to protect Australia and her interests home and abroad. We need agents to help fulfill these goals.

How to apply? Click here and fill the form out. The criteria is very strict, to weed out potentially spies so don't bother trying if you think you can.

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Lastly, as I have already been asked multiple times if I will be acting Prime Minister if the cabinet decides that, I will, just for you. See the stuff I do for you guys?

*insert 3 pages of titles here*