Conor Forde for Congress in Cork and Kerry

Day 607, 16:19 Published in Ireland Ireland by Conor Forde

Fellow citizens of eIreland,

In the past month we have lost some very good politicians in eIreland, most notably digits, as well as others who are abroad fighting in the World War, moved on to bigger positions or who are temporarily inactive due to RL issues. I am running for congress in the July elections in the hope to fill part of the gap left by these magnificent players.

I have been covering the issues involved in the current war by posting a daily summary of what has been happening in the eWorld. If elected I hope to apply this nature to my dealings in congress and keep the nation informed of all developments (no national secrets though 😉 )

The following is a list of topics I wish to become involved in and my opinion on what changes need to be made and what political issues need to be addressed. I may have chosen a party by joining the IUP but the following are completely my own thoughts and I shall never be influenced by anything except intelligence and the well thought out arguments of the brightest minds around.

The Economy

The following is a list of taxes I shall either hope to propose or vote towards:

Remove all taxes on Iron and grain as they are the only raw left with taxes upon them. (Do we honestly expect to make much from them anyway regardless of the tax level?)

Increase Import tax on products to 50% from 40% (as a nation which relies on the production of secondary products this would give home grown businesses an added advantage)

Decrease Import tax on housing to 5% from 10% (To help attract sellers of higher quality from abroad)

My main goal is to make it as profitable as possible to get our nation’s exports up, encourage housing companies to sell higher quality houses and bring new money into the country.

I also wish to encourage (and hound) the MoF to be completely clear and transparent about what they wish to do with every single ounce of gold the government comes into contact with and how it is divided among the multiple departments. 😛


Personally, I hope as a country to remain a neutral country, as to choose a side in this war is to choose an enemy. If we side with PEACE we basically turn our backs on an America who have given us many war games in the past and hopefully many more in the future. If we side with America we are declaring our intentions to oppose PEACE which can very easily destroy us in about three days if they wished to do so.

If things settle down during my term in office, I would greatly encourage the immediate start up of training wars once again with eUSA, eCanada and even maybe eFrance if they remain on our borders to help get our experience up faster once again.

I hope to push forward the building of new defence structures around Ireland mainly for its own protection in these difficult times and to give the public a bit more reassurance that their nation is safe when they go to sleep.

I also would support the production of higher quality weapons in storage for the IDF rather that just q1 weapons to help people do more damage in battle if the time comes.


Encourage a greater use of the forums and especially the irc channels, as communication is the key to better teamwork (and some entertaining debates. Also from there I and other congressmen will have the opportunity to hear the people’s needs and wishes on a greater scale instead of multiple PM’s to people who have voting capabilities.

If this new advertising section (which we were recently promised) is introduced into the game during my time in congress I hope to introduce an advertising campaign for people to increase their wellness as much as possible via hospitals to increase our nation’s productivity

As a neutral country in the middle of the two groups fighting each other currently we are in a position to help both sides get together and try to settle differences and ease tensions. I would support and gladly help out in any matters which would need to be taken care of if this came to pass.

Health and Welfare

Currently there is no single company within the country which regularly offers housing above a q1 quality. If there are q2 houses on the market they do not last long. Housing is a very important source of wellness and is nearly equally important as food as it raises wellness every day for one single payment forever! I aim to encourage the start up of a small state owned company which produces either q2 or q3 houses which are currently unavailable to the eIrish public usually.

Houses = Wellness = Productivity = Money = Power and Strength

If you have any questions then feel free to leave a comment or send me a PM. Thank you for your support!