Congressional Presentation - Stormclouds

Day 674, 14:08 Published in South Africa South Africa by Stormclouds

This is revamped, newer editon of my 2 days old platform. My recent experiences have influenced me to somewhat re-edit it, also I needed to post it once again, sooner to the elections. I didn't delete my old one, so you can always compare. I really recommend you to read the new parts! So, here it is:

People of South Africa!

Let me introduce myself: I am Stormclouds, a currently level 15 player, citizen of South Africa. This is my second incarnation, previously I have owned another player. I play since December 2008, and through my previous and current life I have amassed a lot of experience in all fields of the game. Previously I was a citizen of a (former) large ATLANTIS country (eRomania), in which I have experienced all fields of the game, being four times congressman, vice-president of a large party, soldier and military division leader in one of the strongest armies of the world, businessman and succesful journalist.

I know all the ins- and outs of this game, albeit I only know the basics of the economic system (most of the tricks of running a company well, and the tax system) but this is compensated by my vast political, military and publicistic knowledge.

I've spent my last weeks analyzing the situation of South Africa. I even posted an article about it (see my previous article). It's not fully accurate, yet it does still contain some thought-provoking things. I chose to move here because I like challenges: let's be frank, eSA is a weak, under-manned, occupied country which currently has one of lowest birth rates amongst the countries of the world, thus at the moment the future looks pretty grim. It's the dwelling place of come-and-go politician wanabees and beginners, who, lacking enough skill to get recognized in their own country, came here to try their luck. However, I have met skilled people, ambitious people, and people with a dream..And this is why I can say that the future isn't so grim at all. It only looks that way if someone looks from the outside. I have emerged in eSA in the last few days, and have been proven wrong. We have potential!

However, this potential must be exploited. If left unharvested, we won't be able to break out of our current situation. An ideal leadership is a combined one: if we combine the almost dreamlike ambitions of the new players, which lack realism, but have tremendous energy, with the hard cold veterans, who tend to be more realistic, less excitable, but have a solid basis of knowledge, and a good experience on what's good to do, and what simply leads to a fail, we get the ideal government needed for our nation. I can see that there's a lot of ambition in you: I will offer you my experience.

Merely as a holder of the congressman title, I won't be doing a lot: Basically in this game it only means to extra buttons, and with a bit of intelligence, you can do the pressing just fine, an extra medal, 5 gold..And that's about it. The true reason because I chose to run is because it's your vote of confidence to me..I am somewhat new in eSA, and a mere mortal too, so I am interested whether I do, or do not have your support. I feel this election will give me an answer. If I get a positive response, I'll put in everything I have for eSA: I'll vote smart on proposals, take care that no TOist gets in..But that's only the beginning. I will assist anyone who needs me. If nobody comes to ask me for help, I'll go and find myself something, this country is a paradise of possibilities: I could help out the army, or my party, or the new players (I've got lots of experience with that one), or I could help spice out activity a bit up with contests, projects.. Possibilities are endless. And I will definitely grab at least one, but preferably as many as I humanly can of them. I won't be your standard, "hit-and-run", get's voted and revives 30 days later congressman. No idleness here.

I also am thinking of ways of helping our MoFA to improve our renown around the world. I personally do have connections, and I some experience in friendship-building amongst countries. My dream is getting closer to Eden to be more precise..But we'll see about that in future.

Now, I need your vote! I need your vote of confidence, I need it as launching pad. I won't dissapoint you!

Congressman candidate of the African National Alliance,
For a better South Africa!

P.S.: But, if you are unconvinced about my reasoning, you can always vote me merely because Exilious has a personal vendetta on me 🙂

P.P.S.: And yes, I'll donate that damn 5 GOLD to the country if it makes you happy 😉