Congress Update - October 31

Day 711, 01:30 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's recent activities.

[Discussion] The Iron Must Flow Program: The Minister of Defense KITA Ikki has brought to the Imperial Diet the problem of supplying iron to the Imperial Army's foundries. Since Western Siberia has been returned to Russia by Indonesia, the Japanese iron companies there now face Russian taxes and wages, which has forced some changes. There is accompanying discussion in the Chamber of Commerce and the Economic Board.

[Discussion] Bank Access and Disposition of Funds: Following a situation involving the National Bank of Japan, the Imperial Diet has voted to put the controllers of the NBJ under contract. That contract is visible here.

JIS Financial Statement: In the interest of promoting transparency regarding the use of public funds, acting Secretary of Health, Wellness and Education Metic has introduced a detailed explanation of the Japan Interior Service's expenditures.

[Discussion] Conference with eUSA-eIndo: Some concern regarding the Great Powers of the world and their interest regarding each other (and our proud nation that stands between them) has arisen in the Imperial Diet of Japan, that has led to some interest in a summit between the three countries. The Diet is waiting to hear from Minister of Foreign Affairs Lauri Mursu.

[Discussion] Operation Food Drop: Now that some Japanese companies are operating under the Russian tax and wage structure, concerns have been raised regarding the employees' ability to buy food. A project has been proposed to alleviate this.

[Vote] Mutual Protection Pact with Russia: As the cost of mutual protection pacts is about to change, the government is looking to add some alliances while they are still cheap. Our alliance with Russia is part of that move.

[Discussion] PEACEkeepers: Many citizens of Japan are not familiar with the PEACE alliance of which we are a founding member, and even less so with their military arm, the PEACEkeepers. Representative no1kevlin of Kyushu has raised a discussion of the PEACEkeepers and Japan's relationship and participation within that organization.

[Draft Amendment] Speaker of the Diet: The first amendment to the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire has been proposed. It will explain and expand the powers and duties of the Speaker of Congress, changing the official translation to Speaker of the Diet. It also provides for an election structure regarding the position. Voting on the amendment is taking place now.

[Discussion] The JIS and its 6 Houses: The Japan Interior Service has constructed six houses in its storage and the question has been raised on what to do with them. Should they be given away? Sold? Sold at a higher price or lower? No consensus has yet been reached.

[Discussion] Repeal of the Kyushu Citizenship Requirement: During the last session, a law was passed requiring immigrants who seek Japanese citizenship to first move to the Kyushu region, promoting the use of the Q5 hospital and defense system. Representative Yonai Keiko of Jeju has proposed a repeal of the law, citing infringement of rights, ineffectiveness of the defense system and unenforcability.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声

News from the Ministry of Internal Affairs:

The Crest and Seal: Tanaka Fujimori has designed the crest of the Ministry and has been awarded his cash prize, but the seal offer remains outstanding.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Languages and Translation: Do you speak a language that is neither Japanese nor English? Tell me at once! The Ministry is gathering Japan's linguistic talents for the government's use. Only native speakers or those who can pass for them need apply. Further, if you need translation work done, please let me know. If the project is worthwhile, I will do what I can.

Ministry of Internal Affairs – Department of Petitions: For all citizens who have a concern, complaint, suggestion, or other petition regarding the government, please submit them here.

State-Sponsored Art: The Ministry of Internal Affairs' Department of Culture and Events is still seeking artists to sponsor. If you are a talented Japanese artist, money and fame could be yours!

~真理大臣, 御剣令治, 日本の声
~The Minister of Internal Affairs, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK