Congress Update: November 27

Day 737, 23:09 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's activities as of the start of this new session.

Possibility of a New Alliance: Vice President Ember Firespiral has raised the discussion of a new global defense alliance, focused on unifying smaller nations of the world in the name of peace and prosperity.

A Challenge to the New Congress: Citizen BrianRFSU has challenged the new session of the Imperial Diet to provide more support for developing Japanese businesses.

The First Business of the New Session: The procedural business of the Imperial Diet was taken care of. His Majesty's Ordinances were left standing and, with no other nominee proposed, Reiji Mitsurugi retains the position of Speaker.

Removing the Minister of Foreign Affairs: Representative of Shikoku Reiji Mitsurugi raises concerns about the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and its leader.

We look forward to a prosperous term.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声