Congress Update: November 13

Day 724, 23:05 Published in Japan Japan by Nihon no Koe
His Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As the Speaker of Congress for the Imperial Diet of Japan, it is my responsibility to inform His Imperial Majesty and the people of Japan about the Diet's recent activities. I beg His Majesty forgive the lateness of this update, but the government has been reeling from the recent traitorous activites.

We have had several discussions about the theft of the National Bank of Japan: The congress continues to pursue action both to recover the stolen money and bring justice to those who betray their country, people and Emperor. But we refuse to let this act of terrorism paralyze the nation, and the recover is already well underway.

The Imperial Diet has been printing and moving new money: in order to keep government services moving, the government has issued several runs of JPY. Citizens who wish to support the country in a show of patriotism are encouraged to purchase JPY from the National Bank of Japan, by going to the monetary market.

Kyushu Immigration Law: After lengthy discussion and voting on the matter, an immigration law has been amended to the following: All applicants, before being granted citizenship must be present in the Q5 Hospital region of Kyushu. Upon receiving citizenship, they shall further be informed of their liberty of abode as guaranteed by Chapter 2, Article 5 of the Constitution of the Great Japanese Empire.

[Discussion] Exp From Your President: In order to promote strength and growth among the dedicated members of the government, and to promote awareness of government services and options available to new citizens, the President will daily be proposing a New Citizen Message.

[Discussion] Indonesian Attack on Malaysia: A discussion of Japanese policy toward the Indonesian attack on Malaysia, as well as the Indonesian withdrawal from the PEACE alliance.

[Discussion] Discussion and Vote Protocol: Representative of Kyushu no1kevlin raises the issue of to what degree a single matter can and should be discussed in the Imperial Diet of Japan.

[Discussion] Japan Election Commission Appointment: Interested in reviving the dormant Japan Election Commission for the purposes of fighting political takeovers, Representative of Kanto KITA Ikki has proposed exReality as the new JEC Commissioner.

[Discussion] Defending Hungary's Conquered Regions: Representative of Kyushu no1kevlin raises the question of how and why Japanese military units fight for our Hungarian allies.

[Discussion] What if France Breaks?: Ambassador Fluberwinter discusses the future of Japanese foreign relations in light of new developments in France.

[Discussion] Congress Forum Access: Representative of Kyushu no1kevlin raises the question of whether or not citizens should retain their constitutional guarantee of speech in the Imperial Diet of Japan. Is the Diet for representatives alone? Or do citizens have the right to speak?

[Discussion] A Question of Security for the Minister of Defense: Defense Minister KITA Ikki informs the congress that he has suspended a serviceman from the military on suspicion of conspiracy against the country.

-The Speaker of Congress, Reiji Mitsurugi, NnK
-国会議長, 御剣令治, 日本の声