Congress [Storting]

Day 397, 23:49 Published in Norway Hungary by Quicksilver

Congress [Storting]

In the echoing chambers in an old and ornately decorated building, its bastion-like solid block standing majestically in the snow-covered landscape, with lions greeting the visitors, as they guard the entrances, the Odelsting and the Lagting are sitting in session, arguing about bills and laws and taxes, passing the propositions back and forth, with the King approving it finally, to make it a law. It is fiction - or is it real? A fiction for us in the eWorld, but reality in the real world - the two have been mixing a lot lately.

These dignified bodies make laws for the country, make guidelines for the government and the executive bodies to follow, they decide which way the ship of the nation should set its high sails, they argue and decide about alliances and protection pacts, about wars and peace. The five leading parties who give the congressmen are making a healthy and varied assortion of representatives, coming from all segments of Norwegian society and all levels of experience; first time entrants and old hands in politics – hopefully at this time not many running for the congress for the gold it entails, but to do meaningful work, to serve the country, no matter if it is the birthplace of them or ’only’ home, because they are representing minorities, and to work for a common good, instead of someone’s own.

I do hope to become such one. I’ve been living in this country practically all in my e-life, I read its history, I read about its politicians and great people, its scandals and its great moments, its problems and its fine points. I follow the newspapers and the forums that I can, I talk to people, so I do believe I have at least an inkling of what is going on in the country, and what are its main problems that should be solved soon. I am glad to see that these are neither that many, nor very serious, as in some places, because it means that the country is working well and its leaders are capable. I do hope that in my small ways I can contribute to that and represent the minority that I belong to – the many Hungarians working here and finding a home here as well.

I do thank all of you if you vote for me at the upcoming congress elections. I will try and represent my region, the beautiful and plentiful black-earthed steppes of Voronezh to the best of my abilities. I don’t think anyone can best that promise. 🙂