Congress Review

Day 1,107, 06:08 Published in New Zealand Saudi Arabia by voice

please vote and sub:

Fellow congressmen,

A functional congress, needs discussion and debate between its members. How can we pass laws without first debating and consulting each other, before brainstorming, before having different views.. yes some says that game mechanics do allow that, but does ethical mechanics does? Do our mutual goal of serving eNZ and its people allow that we take unilateral measures?

Some parties are behaving in a suspicious way, and they more than others, need to show everybody that the suspicions are false.

It is not my goal to accuse anybody, but to call all of you to DISCUSS

and Here are the members of congress and the degree of their communication and activity in forum and their interaction with the media and with fellow eNZ

loader very few comments
ave-imperator some few comments
zaldoi unknown
Tripozoid unknown
Alexxx68 unknown
Abutre unknown
VEXXXBG unknown
Sigmundsg some few comments
Mirango unknown
Jeanlouis active
SeriousNenad unknown
Krivobarac unknown
ORTODOX 4 EVER unknown
Stojke89 unknown
Silent_Hero active
Pineapple64 active
Mr.Walter unknown
mcmoox some activity in comments
Deja-Vu unknown
Reculla unknown
gabrielle unknown
chiravi tabani unknown
Zlatko-Bec unknown
zoomenager unknown
WahooBob active
Dusko Markovic unknown
Thomas765 active
misa61 unknown
deVillefort active
piximan unknown
Jamarcus active
kemis unknown
SledDog active
Bass Junkie active
Wang Chung active
Albert Neurath active
Carr De Vaux active
Marcos Arolia active
voice active

we see that most of congressmen are inactive and unknowns.. very few interact from time to time!
is this the congress that will help eNZ?