Congress Platform - Ciel Phantom

Day 822, 22:12 Published in Austria Austria by Ciel Phantom
Greetings to all,

I have decided to once again candidate myself for Congress. This shall be my third time running. Perhaps, if Styria isn't a Austrian region by the elections, I shall run in Carinthia(edited 😛). I will be running as a member of the National Front Austria party.

Goals[As Congressman]:
*To be one of those who wish to restore eAustria to it's former state and to make important voting decisions which would go towards increasing the eAustrian economy.

Keys to success:


Integrity & Ethics






Continuous Improvement

To bring a different kind of style to eAustria and get more active, meaning, doing more than just proposing laws and keeping everyone active.

That was my objective for the first and second time I ran. To add to that I would also like to bring something that would be remembered to eAustria.


*x2 Congress
*x1 Party President
*x1 United Countries Union - Secondary Leader
*x1 United Countries Union - Supreme Leader
*x2 Mentor
*Had a total of two previous accounts that both reached experience level twelve
*Have been mentored by many Congressmen
*Run various different groups


eAustria's military system has gone through many changes. Effective changes? I won't really say so. These changes include reformation of eAustrian military squads, medals that were awarded to citizens and other minor changes. The eAustrian military was put to the test in Austria's war against Croatia. The turn out was positive for such a small army as we were able to regain most of our regions, of course with the aid of our allies. Is there anything we can do to really improve this besides opening up our recruiting to other citizens of other eCountries? No. We already give our soldiers free food and moving tickets. Not much to be improved.

Our eAustrian politics were questioned when neutrality was brought up during our recent war with Croatia. Our current government's decision on the offer issued by Croatia was also questioned. The couple of days during war has really made eAustrian citizens look more into our politics than before. With the presidential elections not too far away, eAustria looks to go down a different path.

The eAustrian economy is at it's lowest it has been in some time. Of course this is one of the many effects of going to war. It would possibly take a Quality Five hospital to bring our economy up as many have eAustria because they are not able to gain benefits from war. There are few jobs for players that have recently come to eAustria. That and the fact managers cannot deal with newbies working there. All company owners should expect workers working at fifty and below wellness as there is no hospital in eAustria.

My ideals in this area stay the same which is to utilize players that are skilled in different areas and put them in an important position in eAustria including those in other eCountries. We would also need to step up in our communication with other eCountries.

"Every one person counts, every one thing counts, every one action counts!"

Be sure to vote for Ciel Phantom on election day.