Congratulations to all our Members of Congress!

Day 645, 05:43 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by UKRP Headquarters

After an exciting and eventful congress election this term, the final list of UKRP Congress Members is as follows:-

Qualified>UK's Finest with a truly exceptional 109 votes in his London constituency.>CertaCito with a very respectable 31 votes in Northern Ireland - glad to see you in comfortably this time!>LordJustice with a great 23 votes in the West Midlands.>Davott in the North West.>Anaxima in Scotland.>Saint Benedict in Midtjylland or "Midget Land" as it has come to be known.>Necrosis also in Midtjylland.

Wildcards>Raziel Darkheart for the South East.>Offa in the East Midlands.
...which brings us up to a total of 9.

So, again, congratulations to all our new and returning members of congress and wish you the very best of luck in your new or extended duties to your regions and the country as a whole and we know that you will do us proud!

...or else...

For those who campaigned hard and didn't get a place - don't give up! There's always next month. Remember to join our party forum for guidance in manifesto writing and campaigning if you feel a little bit lost in this area come next elections. Also, keep up to date by subscribing to this newspaper.
