Congrats Shalom

Day 949, 10:11 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

I would like to personally congratulate Shalom on there landslide victory in the Congressional elections.

Frankly I dont know how you did it. You where able to spread your vote out and make great use of tactical voting which is key.
You waited till last login of the day apparently because every time we got someone in we came back online and he was out.

You also had excellent activity with 100% of your party seeming to be voting and taking part. More people voted Shalom then are in Shalom which is great.

You also had the power of FXP on your side so lets not forget that advantage....

Overall you guys did a excellent job with planning and organization.

With that said I think the UZP did okay in the elections not as good as we had hoped. We failed to spread our vote out and organize our vote but we had still put a lot of effort prior to elections on organizations and strategy and I would like to thank all those that helped in that process.

Now that the new Knesset Term has begun lets not make this an inactive dead one like last term.

I have already created the committee applications posts and the nominations for SoK and so on.

So lets get to work!

Am Yisrael Chai

Truly yours,