Concept of an alliance

Day 1,561, 18:45 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa

I often ask myself, what exactly is the idea of an alliance, who forms it and under what circumstances does it come alive? In the older versions of this game alliances had a big role, not just a big role, they had a role in pretty much deciding who will rule the world of eRepublik. People would join an alliance just to be on the winning side, let's not forget the amount of propaganda thrown in just so the countries that were on the opposite sides could get together. The definition of an alliance extends beyond that, it was a place where all of the crucial plans were crafted together, sometimes you really wonder, how can just a few people rule the entire world of this game, that means thousands and thousands of real individuals in the name of whom just a few chosen make the decisions. Yes, it's almost an indication of real life, it's the era of this game that I particularly miss. With other words, even we, or should I say you don't know who and what is the alliance HQ doing. I don't like to saying this, but in the times of when Phoenix and old EDEN were rampaging, there were plenty of leeches around the chat to be found. Possibly they liked to talk to members of the HQ, possibly they liked to be included in some sort of high society chat, it's exactly what the whole alliance was. Maybe in the first month the alliance had some point or goal what it was doing, but later on pretty much every organization gets the same old problem that hears by the name - lack of leadership and disorganization.

The concept of an alliance in the old days might have been strong and important. The structure was important since individual members had to pay fees to be part of it, and that's what kept it important. The leaders had control of thousands and thousands of money, but the fun part was Phoenix at the time when it existed acted like a country and another interesting fact was, it actually borrowed money from the member countries, which is somewhat like Slovenia borrowing money from itself, the money that it receives from the donation funds. Yes, a no go as you could assume. But that was no problem for the superpowers of the alliance, they always had tens of thousands of gold to spend and at the time, it was crucial to spend it, it's how the countries worked. I always find it a bit foolish when the alliance gets taken over by a country that is more or less unimportant to the whole alliance. The problem arises when those individual start making unwise decisions that at the end lead only to bigger problems than at start. Anyhow, the alliance was never really an alliance if it wasn't lead by the most influental nations in it, if that wasn't the case, well, it wasn't an alliance.

I think the history part is done, I refreshed your memory a bit, now to debate around the whole sense of an alliance. I always found the alliance itself a bit needless. To say the least, you don't have to show your friendship to another nation by joining a group of other nations with whom you don't even share any ties. It's what the definition of an alliance is. People often said how much they love to be part of this and that and the third, in truth, they didn't give a damn, they only wanted the affection of a superpower who more or less led the alliance from its starting point. I believe it would be far more wise if in an alliance itself, countries itself would have a role and not some representatives who no one elected, at least not the ones that should - the normal people. It makes bad decisions a matter of every day life.

But at times, I ask myself, why do we even need an alliance in these times, the times where all you need is a full list of MPPs. It makes things as easy as they never were and the alliances' leadership, I still believe it's there for no clear reason. To keep the position they have long yearned for, there's no other explanation for it. I could define how things work in the alliance and how they shouldn't, but I find it pointless as is the split between ONE and EDEN. Let's face it, the concept of an alliance tells us the alliances are death. The leaderships have no role at all while the plans, well, the plans are formed as they are without the supervision of the ones that are supposedly above all. What sense is there left now?

I like the idea of trollocracy, if you ask yourselves, you could find parallels with what our countries are part in. You have those individuals who like to speak nonsense, all they say is the things that most of us already know and then if there are any unsuccesses present, well, I warn you, it gets dirty... very dirty. It does relate to concept of an alliance, it's the whole top of it.

Then you have the fighters, who in fact do the most thinking - believe it or not. The ones that order them just say hit here and there, it's only up to them to coordinate where they will fight, at least that's how things unfolded in eRepublik v1. Oh yes, the world of diplomacy and the ones being part in it is full of crap. One day you get promised something, the other day it turns out you were the one who should have thought better.

Okay, altogether, the whole idea of an alliance is pointless, at least in this very given time. They have no authority, no will and actually no power to commit what they want to. It is all ruled by country president and it's up to them if they want to share some power with the HQ. That thing called HQ is these days like a big meeting hall and as such, I doubt it can even be called an alliance talk.

You can have your own arguments as much as you want to, but from this point on, alliances are dead, the era of direct talks is upon us - as dramatic as it sounds. Listen, I'm not saying how s**t alliances are, because you already know that, I'm saying how pointless they are in this article and that the concept can and will get lost in every given circumstance. People like to comfort with what they have, even if they shouldn't and for such, that's why alliances turn into a disaster zones.

Best regards,
Ice Killa aka Howly