Competition time!

Day 1,623, 09:21 Published in United Kingdom Spain by Saiwun.A.White

Hi guys,

The 1st prize for my competition is 50 Q6 tanks!
2nd is 30 Q6 tanks!
3rd is 10!
I am not the richest guy in eRepublik and the prize to my competition is not the biggest in the world but at least it is something.

Down to details.

My competition is called the most epic duck. (Look on the funny side of stuff!)
In order for my competition to work I need people to PM me with a hyperlink to a picture of a rubber duck on google images. You have till next Sunday (07/05/12).
To decide the winner I want people to post a comment. Votes only count from the 7th and end on the 14th- so don't vote yet.
Tell all your friends to vote for you and to vote and subscribe!


Image 1 by Boer charel

Image 2 by Lukeboiuk

Image 3 by Posidon303

Image 4 by Tarbuh

Image 5 by JB battle master

Image 6 Ryan Macintyre

Image 7 by Sambo112

Image 8 by kronos777