come to matzanesia

Day 547, 05:07 Published in Indonesia Romania by Bismark

Adhereing to the affirmation of all human creatures as inherently equal and free, wishing to see old cultures and new ones flourish toghether, the matzanesian office for tourism and cultural exchange proudly presents you:

The touristic Programme of Matzanesia and

The touristic anthem of matzanesia:

Come to matzanesia, the land of clones
see the hobbits and the chimps
hear the creatures as they flee

Come to matzanesia, the land of clones
feel the spamming, work for toads

come to matza the land of clones
its the land that's good for all,
its so full of fake gold

come and hear the strange language and see
where the good old days of fairness
are ancient history