Come on PEACE, Come and Get Us!

Day 639, 06:55 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Well, This looks like the end of the part of the war where we have a place on the map. In 3-4 days The enemy will most likely have taken everything but Florida. After New Jersey, I doubt we will be able to keep it, Although it will be an EPIC battle. But that does not mean the end of the war. It does not even mean that we have completely lost. It just means that we need to fight a new kind of war. But I'll get back to that in just a minute.

What I am first going to do is talk about Florida. We need to move everybody from New Jersey into Florida. That will be 10,000 citizens sitting in 1 state with a Q5 hospital, and equally importantly, a Q5 Defense System. This will make that starting wall for the battle of Florida over 1 million points high. On top of that, everyone should start saving money TODAY in order to buy 5 weapons on the day that PEACE finally takes a run at Florida. That way you do more than just minimum damage. Most importantly, even if you do not have weapons, fight 5 times in the battle, because every little bit of damage counts. We may not be able to keep this super-fortress, but we can make sure that PEACE must pay a ton of gold to tank it away from us. Hell, we may even be able to hold on to it the first time they attack it, maybe even go on the offensive from there for a little while. What is most important now is that we force PEACE to pay as heavily as possible for our blood.

Now, what happens when we lose Florida? We will have no more states, no more economy, and the government is only what we let the current administration do in the forums. Most people would say that at this point it was over. But in reality, being completely taken over would work to our advantage. How? It would end our Enemies MPPs against us. Once we take a region back and attack an enemy from that region, that country will not receive aid from their allies against us. Admittedly, PEACE would just move troops from Hungary and Indo into Portugal to help them, but if we get to a point where we attack all 3 at the same time, we can chose which battle we want to win, forcing PEACE to spread their forces around too thin in at least a few battles. Being taken out completely weakens our enemies ability to coordinate against us.

So how is this war going to continue immediately after Florida? Well, it will be RW's, mostly against Portugal, the weaker of our enemies. We will RW a few states back, quite possible when we have 10k citizens fighting for our side in one of them. Then our government should pick a region to put a hospital in, then move a lot of citizens there to defend it. From there we try to attack our enemies and win every battle we can. We will most likely end up like Canada is now within a week or so, with 4-6 regions liberated. At that point, we just try to be the biggest pain in PEACE's a$$ as we possible can. Will we outright win with every region back? Most likely not in this war. Does that mean PEACE wins? Not really. They just spent god knows how much gold trying to take us out, and now will just have a huge groups of people starting RWs everywhere, creating huge problems for them whenever we win. Canada, US, NKorea, Spain, along with all of the rest of our allies will be incredibly disruptive to their daily lives, and economies once we start to target some of indo's economic regions they hold from other countries.

It may not be the way we wanted the war to go, but we know it is not over. It will never be over, unless we let it end. We will keep fighting until PEACE capitulates to our demands of freedom, or until our enemy alliance falls apart and we can take it all back ourselves. Never surrender America!
Keep up the good fight!

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!