Come On EDEN...

Day 795, 15:33 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

Poland, Spain, Sweden, and now Canada have attacked the eUK on separate occasions, all activating powerful MPPs against themselves. Why don't we just freaking invade them already??? We have 4 countries bordering them that are obviously willing to push the button, and 2 more that have MPPs activated against the eUK.The fighting in Greece v. Turkey won't start up again for a good week at least, and the battles would draw away enough Peenix damage that they wouldn't start any counter offensives. We can have all of EDEN beating the crap out of the most hated nation in the game in just a few hours, if we really, really wanted to. What's stopping us? Hell, if we don't do something about it, the eUK will use its new MPPs to take a nice stab at Sweden, Canada, and probably screw with Poland and Spain once they get the chance. At this point we are committed, so why not just go for it already while we have an upper hand?