Colorado Congressional Platform-November-Daniel Dodge

Day 729, 14:03 Published in USA USA by Pragmat

Greetings My Fellow Americans,

Today I would like to announce my candidacy for re-election in the Great State of Colorado. Over the past month I have learned a lot and participated in some very informative discussions as to the state of our country. I am running with the endorsement of my party, the AAP and I was recently given a rating of +11 in a Congressional Report. I believe, if re-elected, that I can continue to build on what I have learned and keep working to move our country forward.

If I get re-elected, here are some of the things that I hope to address during my term:


-Citizen Retention/Activism



-Congressional Restructuring


Over the past month we have seen a string of diplomatic victories in the international arena. While wars can be fun and good for the economy, we have seen first-hand the destructive effects of warfare and it will serve us better in the long run to place more emphasis on diplomatic endeavors. In Congress I hope to work with my colleagues and the State Department to evaluate our alliances and open wars to see if anything needs to be changed.

My work as an ambassador has lead me to believe that Congress should examine the country's financial situation and if possible implement a foreign aid initiative to help small, financially strapped countries pay for MPPs and participate in war games. Some will say this is unrealistic, but I feel that as one of the most powerful eNations we have an obligation to help those who are worse off then ourselves.

Citizen Retention/Activism

I don't have any specific ideas here, but I know many of my colleagues in Congress have been working on programs and I want to help in that work. One of the biggest challenges we face is citizen retention and I believe the easiest solution is to give them something to do. Get them involved early and they are far more likely to keep playing. This can be done in many ways and we must keep working to develop to programs and plans to retain citizens.


After the events of the last few months, I would hope that everyone knows just how important the military is to the success of the eUSA. Due to the leadership of the JCS and many others we were able to mobilize our forces, engage the civilian population and defeat our enemies. We must continue the same policies we had during the war in regards to getting orders out and continue to work towards streamlining the application process so that citizens don't join a branch (say, the Training Corp) and then wait weeks to hear anything, if they hear anything at all. I salute the work our military has done and we as a Congress will continue to insure they get the funding they need.


Hospitals in every st.....just kidding haha. This is not the real world, states are a very fluid concept in this game and they hold little importance relative to the country as a whole. While I want votes, it is more important that everyone have access to high wellness and be where they can do the most good for the country. I urge anyone reading this that currently resides in Colorado or any other non fortress state (in game) to move to California as soon as possible. By moving you will be able to get your wellness up near 100, you will be more productive at work, do more damage in battle and help build the defensive wall higher in the event of an attack. If you need help in moving, PM me and I will gladly assist you.

Congressional Restructuring

I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in Congress, yet that does not mean it is a perfect institution. I would like to see Congress develop an agenda. For each term Congressional leadership should meet and decide which issues are most important and then focus Congress on these issues. This will help to make the body more efficient.

In order to accomplish this, we need to hold our congressman more accountable. This month we saw a Congressional Report rating congressman and a report card from our Congressional Whip. Hopefully these will become routine measures that each congressman can use to gauge their success in Congress. While technically a congressman can just vote in game, here in the US there is more to it than that. I would like to see more pressure placed on congressman to join the eUSA forums and participate in discussions and proceedings there, as that is where all the real work gets done. This would lead to a better, more efficient Congress.

Now, I hope that told you everything you need to know, but if you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to PM me and I will respond as soon as I can.

I hope I can count on your support on November 25th!

Very Respectfully,

Daniel Dodge