Coalition and election.

Day 835, 13:58 Published in Austria Austria by Hedera

Coalition and elections
Hello eAustrian.

Tomorrow will be election day. It's a one of the most interesting elections in eAustrian history. Everybody who care even a little bit about Austria should vote.

There are some things which demand my comment or explain.

My governmen:.

Of course is not a final version, only a short propositions 😉

President - Hedera

v. President – Kaiser Alex

Ministry of Defense – PrinceOfAustria

v. Ministry of Defense - samu-L

Ministry of Foreign Affairs - SparkusK9

v. Ministry of Foreign Affairs - stancel

Ministry of Educations and Welfare – Saalko

v. Ministry of Educations and Welfare - OEBernd

Ministry of Translations - Eldres

Ministry of Congress - Wade Seagrave

Ministry of Finance - Stoneman?


As you can see, three parties, Austrian Reformist Party, National Front Austria and Socialist Party make a agreement to make a compromise in government. The point is to make a counterbalance to bobbySauron. Yes, Oppositions is under troll control and they also support me, but I don't really know why, I don't like this kind of politic.


After elections I will start a negotiations about this regions. It's look like Phoenix use it to make a training wars. We should participate in this, so I will demanded this from Hungary. The true is that we don't really need this region immediately back. Regular training wars payed by Hungary is a good price for Burgenland, especially before we get enough money to join some others wars.

For better economy, For more war and fun, For orderly country Vote me 🙂