CNC Prime Ministerial Candidate

Day 834, 07:39 Published in Canada Canada by eCNC

CNC Backs Chucky Norris

February just flies by, doesn't it. With a mere 8 days between the Congressional elections and the Prime Ministerial elections, there isn't a lot of time to truly establish yourself as a strong candidate for our great nation's highest office. With time ticking away so quickly, it truly is a testiment to the two top candidates, Chucky Norris and nea milosu (aka Fram), that they were able to not only present their ideas for eCanada, but also clearly demonstrate the differences between their prospective administrations.

It has long been said that democracy can only work when there are more than one good option, and the last few elections have proven that eCanada has no shortage of good - nay, great - options for Prime Minister. March is no different, and it will be very interesting to see how the election day theatrics measure up to the remarkable outcomes of January and February.

With all that said, and so much to consider, the Canadian National Coalition membership set about the task of choosing who we would be supporting. After 30 hours of polling, the decision of the electorate was clear, and Chucky Norris was chosen to be our representative on the 5th. There was only one problem: The Party President was asleep at the wheel.


Wanting to give everyone a chance to weigh in, before the in-game deadline at day-change last night, Greg McNeish peacefully sat in front of his computer, catching up on some reading on the eCanada Forums, when disaster struck.

He fell asleep, in his chair.

Awakening with a start, our petrified President quickly shook his computer awake, and looked at the clock. It read 3:05am. The deadline had been missed by a mere five minutes.

We are very proud to support Chucky Norris, and wish that our name appeared beside his, on the ballot. Unfortunately, that will not be the case. Nonetheless, we urge all eCanadians to join us in sending our nation's very own Texas Ranger to 24 Sussex Dr.

Stay sexy, eCanada.

Greg McNeish
CNC Party President


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