CNC February Congress Team

Day 828, 04:08 Published in Canada Canada by eCNC

It's that time again, eCanada. Time to cast your vote, and choose the Congress that will lead our great nation through this next month.

The Canadian National Coalition is very proud to present our official list of candidates for February 25th. Our candidates are all active, committed eCanadians, who are able to make a real difference in the way this country is governed.

Without further adeiu, here is your CNC Congress Team:

The General Secretary of the CNC, SledDog was last month's top vote-getter in the entire country. In Congress, he has carried on in the same manner that he always has, as a level-headed, well-spoken, kind and thoughtful man. He has an uncanny ability to instantly get a debate back on topic, which is a very valuable skill in such a raucous Congress.
Loyal eCanadian Knight, and Member of the Order of Canada, Treian served as the CNC Party President for two months, has held numerous Cabinet posts, served 5 terms in Congress, and has an unquenchable hunger to fight the good fight. He enjoys long walks on the beach, candlelight dinners, and votes.

John Flory
A young up-and-comer in the CNC ranks, John brings a lot of tenacity to every situation. He's never afraid to state his opinion, and always has reasons to back it up. He is constantly learning, and has grown at a phenominal rate. It's only a matter of time before the name John Flory becomes a fixture in eCanadian society.

New Brunswick
Recently immigrated from eAustralia, CrowdedHouse has a lot of experience in politics. In his former country, he was a Party President, Cabinet Minister, and 3-time Congressman. He also founded eRepublik Radio, and the Radio eAustralia News Podcast. He is a proud member of the NB Pride movement, which recently placed a Q3 hospital in New Brunswick, and has now started the long and ambitious project of constructing a Q5 hospital for the region.
Speaking of NB Pride, The_Clap is the latest political veteran to join the CNC. He is an incumbent Congressmen in New Brunswick, and played an instrumental part in procurring government support for the placement of NB Pride's hospital. Not a one-trick pony, Clap has been an active Congressman, contributing to debates on many topics. No matter his level of expertise in a particular area, he always brings a clear perspective to every debate.

Alias Vision
President of the Writer's Guild of Canada, Alias is one of the most respected writers in eCanadian history. He has that rare ability to speak both intelligently and eloquently. He is also an 8-time Congressman, and has spent enough time in the political trenches to have a firm grasp on every area of governance. He never fails to make an impact, when entering any debate. Oh, did we mention that he's a proud member of the Crimson Order?
Greg McNeish
Current CNC Party President, incumbent Congressman for Ontario, and the Editor-in-Chief of the eCBC. He's also the guy writing this. Is working hard to establish the catchphrase "Stay Sexy, eCanada".

Vice President of the CNC, and a 2-time Congressman. He has spent 8 months tirelessly working behind the scenes to bring positive change to eCanada. He's not flashy, and he doesn't grab the headlines, but to anyone who has seen him in action, there is no doubt that this country, and this Congress, is better for having his hard work and dedication.

Ladies and gentlemen, your CNC Congress Team!

We would also like to take this opportunity to mention some of the other people appearing on the ballot, under the CNC heading. As a party that strongly believes that everyone should have a chance to have their voices heard, we are proud to be sponsoring candidates from the Canadian Empire Party (only atoms, MichaelDowning, Donna Rush) and The Adult Party (Ozymandias Malifozik). Good luck, and we hope to see you on Parliament Hill.

We thank every eCanadian who considers voting for any of our candidates. Words cannot express how touching it is to receive so much support, from so many people. Thank you for your trust; we won't let you down.

Stay sexy, eCanada.

Greg McNeish
CNC Party President