Day 924, 12:26 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hi everyone I want to clear up a couple of things being brought up about my campaign and to set the record straight on my stance. Im sorry there has been misunderstandings and its my fault for not explaining some views more clearly.

Quotes from FKs Article:

" On the economy – no-one’s talking about workforce planning. We need to encourage employers and employees to begin talking about the new skills needs of V2, and start to provide advice to our citizens about what skills to convert their existing skills strengths into at V2 conversion. We don’t want to end up with too many managers and not enough architects, etc!"

- I completely agree this is a great idea. You didnt give me enough to time to Release my v2 planning article though which was going to cover this. I dont want to reveal too much here it deserves a article all in its own but you should know skill management was a key aspect in it just like it is in the eIDF with Infantry Tank Artillery etc. Lets not forget though we still dont know all that much about v2 so we dont have much to work on.

"Babyboom – Gavin talks about this, but I don’t see any real innovative thinking on this. The current government has a strategy and assigned responsibilities, but that needs energising and building on. I think we could have a campaign to raise a bit of RL cash to actually pay for ad or two in Israel."

- I think I was one of the first ones recently to talk about a babyboom. I released a article quite some time ago about it and my ideas. Its all very straightforward and you can only really go about it in one way. We need to get articles published in Blogs Magazines and newspapers in Israel about erepublik and encourage people to join the game and help eIsrael. I stated this in my Domestic Policy Article. I would establish a team mainly of RL Israelis and Hebrew speakers who have some connections in Israel who can make this happening, it will take a lot of coordinating but it can be done.

"Education – We need to consolidate advice and education for our citizens in one place and think of new innovative ways to continuously reach out to them proactively with this advice. It’s been along time since the University of Israel fell into disuse, perhaps it could be resurrected? "

-Ive made it clear as part of my domestic policy I want to expand the Mentor Program with funds and give it new levels of organization and new members. It will help reach out to active citizens who have the potential to become active citizens thus a valuable asset to our small country. We need more active people and we can do this by helping them through the game and teaching them the basics. The gifting department will work closely with the Mentor Program as well. We can get them in the eIDF and even get people from within the eIDF to help in the mentor program if we are short of mentors but I will defiantly make sure a incentive is provided to encourage people to participate because this program is vital for the future of eIsrael.

"Good solid platform - I like that you do not want to significantly upset out international position from the one adopted by recent governments.

It's reasonable to have a well funded IDF, but I think that the real success in V2 wil be good effective and decentralised military planning. Maelyn has a good plan for this, but she needs good and consistent citizen imnvolvement in implementing this project, and I fear this will be the major weakness in our effort. What ideas do you have to strengthen this?


-The military is very decentralized with the Patrols - squads - Platoons -Brigade- corps independent command structures and communication. eIDF needs more people and better leaders. the Officer training school 9Alreayd implemented) and large recruitment efforts will fix that. Besides that Maelyn has done a great job in the eIDF especially in v2 preparation.

With a consistent budget the eIDF can live up to its potential.


Also to those who have called our campaign Populist you are dead wrong. Im not saying its a bad thing but it couldnt be farther from the truth. We are proposing controversial Ideas especially in Regards to the economy. We are loosing a lot of votes and support because of it. We arent playing politics we are being direct and forward with the Israeli people about our goals and beliefs.

As for Turkey I made it clear in Interviews and Foreign Policy article we dont want war with Turkey and want to avoid it but we when I say "Stand Up Against Turkish Aggression" I refer to not caving into their threats demands or Ultimatums. I hope this clears up my stance with Turkey.

I also have no plans to Drop any MPPs. I actually spoke with the US envoy to Israel yesterday on IRC and we talked about relations between our two countries. I have no plans to drop any MPP and it was never part of my policy. If e70md said this somewhere in in a post or comment he is mistaken.

I really appreciate FK for his constructive criticism I hope this article relieves him of any worries or concerns. e70md Is going to publish a article clearing up issues with his economic proposals and get into depth about our tax policy plans.

v2 article is soon to come aswell.

I hope everyone will vote for my come election day. As you can tell im active hard working flexible and have a clear image for eIsrael.

Please check out my interview here: