Clarification & Conclusion

Day 1,032, 16:12 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

Yesterday I came home, checked my email, Facebook, and then eRep account. The first thing I saw was the new insider, talking about the new changes to eRep.

A bit of history... I loved v1. Then rising came around and although I didn't like some aspects of it I thought it was a good change. Then they screwed up professions which I actually liked, but I was still playing. But this is too much.

The admins act like a toddler in their sandbox, building, changing, and playing with things at their will. And when they get angry (as in negative feedback) they seem to throw a tantrum and knock everything down. All while forgetting there are paying customers in the game.(Not me, but..)

I suppose it was rather rash of me to write my article yesterday, however I do not regret it.

This game has been causing me too much stress and I have been very busy in real life. As I stated earlier eRepublik has become more like a chore than a game where I can unwind and have fun.

However, after I've slept on it, read the comments section I have decided to two-click. I will, however, resign from activity. I'll work when I can remember to (where are my reminders 🙁 ???) tinker with the New Citizens website, but I can't have any obligations to this game.

In the process of writing this article, and reading the responses has made me incredibly sad. I've realized how attached I am to this game, and in that I realized why I play it: all the lovely people that contribute to the community.

Maybe, maybe in the far future when my schedule clears up and eRepublik turns around I'll return to activity. Maybe.


P.S. @dylanb9216 - So you're a troll with a sensitive ego? Boo hoo.

To Celsius and Jster: I both wrote very mean and rude articles about you and your activities when you came to Ireland. I realized I've never apologized to you, even though I've always meant to. I hope you can forgive me for that. You've now shown your true value as members of the community.