Citizenship Petition

Day 523, 08:14 Published in Norway Norway by Maximilia

This may have been posted somewhere before, but as the editor of this magazine feels strongly on the issue after the recent Hungarian takeover, it is reprinted here in the Axe.

There is an online petition at this site which encourages people to sign for citizenship in eRepublic. Quoted from the opening statement:

"Citizenship could consist of choosing a nationality and having to stay with that nationality for a set period of time. You could only vote in elections for the country of your nationality. You could pay 2 gold to immediately change your nationality if desired. This would make takeovers too time consuming and costly to be a viable option."

Due to the recent takeover by the Hungarians, I fully support this petition. It would require a person to choose their country of origin wisely and help to stop the political takeover of smaller, less populated countries from bigger ones, offering a measure of protection. Another article, Citizenship Now!, has been published that goes over the point more eloquently than the editor of this paper could ever state.

Thank you.