Citizens For Change

Day 1,584, 22:56 Published in USA USA by Saphire109

Today in erepublik I would like to address an issue to all of you fellow eUS

I have extreme love for our e-nation and have devoted a great deal of my time for eUS.

I wish to represent you and your interests. To speak for you and to organize a wave of change. A change my fellow eUS citizens which will greatly improve our e-nation. I promise to you, new management that will make its first priority be all of you. To create a firm defense, help our new players and veterans and create transparency. A new line of defense and honor for eUS. I come to recruit for the POA (Power of eAmerika) in order to further help and represent you. I need fellow recruiters to spread the word.
Think about joining POA today and recruiting for POA by sending this message out to your friends.
Power Of eAmerika for the people!

Yours Truly,