Citizens Duty

Day 667, 15:13 Published in Japan Japan by no1kevlin

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What is the most important thing you as a citizen of eJapan can do?

You may hear that it is to keep your wellness high, to participate in the training wars to increase your XP and rank or even to be active on the forum ( Whilst all of these are important they are not the most important duty.

The most important duty as a citizen is to VOTE!

Elections for Congress are coming soon and it is the duty of all citizens to vote in order to make certain you are represented in Congress. Within a few days the finalised lists of candidates will be available in the Party tab and I encourage you all to check out who is standing in your province.

Once you know who they are take the time to read their election articles (if they don't have one then don't vote for them, simples!) and PM them if you have any queries about their manifesto or policies and take the time to decide who will represent you best.

Or you could just vote for whoever is from your party! Either way make sure to vote!

I'll be standing for election in Kyushu which is the province I was eBorn into and I'll be writing and publishing my election manifesto closer to the election date. If anyone wants to know more then please PM me and ask away and if anyone needs support getting back to Kyushu get in touch!