Citizen Fee and Minimum Wage

Day 494, 08:47 Published in Ireland Australia by Severin Organization

Recently two laws were proposed and rejected by the Congress. In keeping with my pre election promise to be accountable for, I will write about how I voted and what I think about the issues.

Citizen Fee

The first law proposed was changing the citizen fee from 10 IEP to 15 IEP. I voted no. I felt this would be an unnecessary strain on our treasury. If anything we should be decreasing the citizen fee. Many citizens join eIreland and then leave soon after. The state loses 10 IEP each times this happens. We should be conserving the state treasury. One could argue it might attract immigrants to eIreland however I do not think we need immigrants at the moment (we did months ago). We get a healthy influx of new citizens everyday. Quite frankly, taking into consideration the price of food and the fact zero skill workers can get paid 5 IEP, I think a 10 IEP citizen fee is more than adequate and even 5 IEP would be suffice.

Minimum Wage

The second law proposed was to change the minimum wage from 1 IEP to 3 IEP. I voted no. Currently 5 IEP is being offered by the state for workers with no skills. So anyone can get paid at least 5 IEP. If you are on skill 1 or 2 I suggest availing of this job offer until something better comes
along or until you reach skill 3. There is no reason you should ever accept wages less than 5 IEP. I cannot see any reason to raise the minimum wage and it would only be a bother to those who work for their own company.

I do however recognize that they are not enough jobs for skill 1 and skill 2 workers. Raising the minimum wage is not a solution to this problem. I would instead advocate the reopening of the state gift company and have it post jobs for skill 1 and skill 2 workers, even if the wages were just a little above 5 IEP. This I feel is needed considering dwindling resources for the gifting program (I am myself in the middle of donating 50 Q2 gifts to the Health Minister, I have donated 20 so far) and for reserves for our national defense.

I am of course, as always, open to suggestions and would be delighted with any feedback. Also if you have any questions or such please contact me. Finally, if you haven't already please join the forum and voice your opinion on the issues.


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