Chun Ge Party

Day 752, 05:29 Published in China China by China Lai-Wai Party

Chun Ge, also called Li Yuchun, the most famous Chinese Pop singer, has got billions of fans all over the country. Herein I renamed our party name to Chun Ge Party to memorise this phenomenon before I retire from party president position.

She/he has become a special icon in China history. A religion called Chun Ge has risen under her/his name. Chun Ge Religion fellowers called themselves: Truemanist. The Chun Ge religion is officially calle😛 Truemanism.

Diosm? Taoism? Holy See? Communism? Whatever, please forget them. Only TRUEMANISM can save the eWorld. Once believe in Chun Ge, the only Trueman on our planet, you can rise again right after your death, with 100% wellness, and mana (this depents on which game you are playing, e.g. WOW, for people playing CS, you will get AK47 instead of full mana).

Believe in Chun Ge,
get an eternal life!
Glorious Truemanism!
Unite! All Truemanists!