Chestiunea Maghiara - The Hungarian Problem

Day 458, 07:39 Published in Romania Romania by Bismark

Se discuta in aceste zile despre baby boom ul unguresc si despre pericolul unui take over maghiar venit din partea partidului nou intrat in Top 5 al partidelor ca numar al membrilor anume eRMDP. Pare ca cei mai multi oameni se declara in mod sincer ingrijorati de aceasta posibilitate.
Insa opinia mea este ca acesti cetateni se grabesc sa traga concluzii. Nu vad ca posibila alegerea unui presedinte agent provocateur in eRomania prea curand, iar in ce priveste acapararea Congresului de catre unguri, cel mai grav lucru care se poate intampla este ca un partid maghiar sa devina al doilea sau al treilea partid ca numar de voturi primite. In nici un caz nu mi se pare posibila acapararea Congresului.
Sa nu uitam totusi ca aceasta crestere spectaculoasa a eRMDP, care apropo este un partid pro romanesc, este rezultatul cuceririi de catre noi a teritoriilor unguresti. Ce ar trebui sa le cerem jucatorilor maghiari? Sa nu se inscrie in regiunile foste unguresti? Sa nu participe la procesul democratic? De ce ar fi interesele si preferintele acestor noi cetateni ilegitime in comparatie cu interesele romanilor?
Nu an vazut nici o dovada ca acest partid ar incerca vreun TO. Mai mult, cand m-am uitat la membrii de partid impresia mea a fost ca multi sunt din Romania si in RL si au prea multi prieteni romani pentru a putea fi caracterizati drept un pericol national.
Trebuie sa recunoastem ca slabiciunea noastra cea mai mare este chiar puterea noastra si teritoriile pe care le-am acaparat cu tot cu populatia indigena. Slava Domnului ca in eR nu se pot face epurari etnice. Stiu destui care ar vrea sa incerce. Exista multe regiuni nepopulate in care congresmeni pot fi votati cu doar trei patru voturi incalcand principiul democratic al reprezentativitatii care spune ca procentul de mandate pe care il are un partid trebuie sa fie egal cu procentul de voturi primite. In afara de a schimba sistemul de vot, singura solutie este ca toate partidele sa practice metoda “Autobuzul” populand regiunile pustii cu din ce in ce mai multi cetateni si, printr-un efect de supralicitare aceste regiuni sa aiba o populatie aproximativ egala cu a celolalte regiuni.
Regiuni unguresti ne -au trebuit. Atunci sa facem ceva sa cadem la intelegere cu concetatenii nostri si sa gasim un compromis intre interesele noastre si interesele lor. Cine stie, poate ca mai multi ar dori sa fie cetateni loiali ai eRomaniei decat credem noi.
Sunt constient de faptul ca voi fi aspru criticat pentru astfel de opinii, dar consider datoria mea de onoare de a avertiza eRomania asupra pericolului de a deveni paranoici. Sunt sincer convins ca viitorul acestei tari depinde de felul in care intelegem sa ne purtam fata de celelalte natiuni, daca alegem sa ii calcam pe toti in picioare pentru o razbunare virtuala pentru umilinte reale sau devenim un imperiu marinimos.

English version

There is a lot of discussion about the hungarian baby boom and about the danger of a hungarian TO coming from the newly formed hungarian party PDMeR..
But my view is that these people are rushing to judgement. I don't see as possible the election of a president agent provocateur in eRomania too soon, and in terms of TO of the Congress by the Hungarians, the worst that can happen is that the Hungarian party might become the second or third party as a number of votes received . In no case do I see possible a TO of the Congress.
Do not forget though that this spectacular growth of the eRMDP, which incidentally is not a anti -Romania party, is the result of our conquest of the Hungarian territories. What should we ask Hungarian players? Not to register in a former hungarian region ? Not participate in the democratic process? Why would the interests and preferences of these new citizens be illegitimate compared with the interests of the Romanians?
             I have not yet seen any evidence that any party would try a TO. Moreover, when I looked at the party members profile, it was my impression that many are from Romania also in RL and that many of them have too many friends amoung the the Romanians to be characterized as a national threat.
We must recognize that our greatest weakness is our great power and the expansion of our territories and that we have yet to deal in a fair way with the indigenous population. Thank God that in the eR there can be no ethnic cleansing. I know plenty who would like to try. There are many unpopulated regions where a congressman can be electec with a few votes, thus breaching the principle of representative democracy that says that the percentage of seats that a party has must be equal to the percentage of votes received. Besides changing the voting system, the only solution is that all parties practice the "bus" method.populating desolate regions with increasingly more people and, through a kind of an overbidding, these regions might have a population roughly equal to the population of other regions.
We wanted hungarian regions. Then we must do something to reach an agreement with our fellow citizens and find a compromise between our interests and their interests. Who knows, maybe more would like to be loyal citizens of eRomania than we think.
I know that I will be harshly criticized for these opinions, but I truly believe that the future of my country depends on the way we conduct ourselves with honour and kindness toward other nations. We must cease to be paranoid and start to be the magnanamous empire that we can become.