Chaos At Base Camp

Day 164, 20:22 Published in Sweden Sweden by Grev Per

DAY 9. Swedish Occupied Denmark
(The day system has switched to count from the end of the war instead of the beginning or so)

Today one of our men was captured by the Swedes. Their machinery of repression has long since passed the stage of passive-aggressiveness. Since their unjust war in Germany started they've been far more active in concealing and eliminating any threats at home, I suppose it goes with their war on diversity abroad as well. Well the Swedish War on Diversity won't succeeded!

We were able to sneak ourselves into the public square of execution. A barbaric practice that has been outlawed in Denmark for at least a century. The Swedes however were gathered at the square in full, mullets, snus and obnoxious language etc. etc.

As our good man was walked up the steps they started cheering. They cheered that justice was being fulfilled, on this day of their elections. The Swedish election process seems to be one designed to reaffirm faith in the state, confirm the valiant functions of their police and military, and to eliminate any question of committing an act that crosses their Laws of Conformity.

Our man looked up into the crowd, he was allowed one last time to repent, confess his sins and his regret, and he would be allowed a peaceful life. As long as he conformed everyday to the social norms of barbarism. This man of civlization looked up into the crowd. He seemed to be scanning the crowd, he caught my eyes and recognized who I was. I saw the pride swelling inside him. The great risk he knew that I and my fellow men took to watch and honor his execution for the Danish state.

He stood up straight in attention. He even though he was hand-cuffed, the slipknot hanging at his throat he looked merely like a king addressing an audience. The executioner, the priest, the audience, he looked as if they were standing their simply to serve him. Then he spoke into the microphone where he was to make his public confession and repentance. I will quote what he said directly:
"I hope my neck doesn't break the rope."

For his moment of majesty and defiance he was hung. His name was Robert Paulsen, let's never forget!

As me and my men walked back, Eddike and I stepped aside to have a smoke. We were lucky enough to find a nearby kindergarten and primary school. We were so lucky as to sell about 10 cigarettes to a couple of 4th graders. Cute little rascals. Never trust a doctor who doesn't smoke, I always say.
"The elections went well for you again Grev Per, I don't think a president in the world can admit to having had 100% votes in a free and fair election."
"Not that I can recall no, it was a very good day for Danish democracy. No Swede can ever try a propaganda campaign saying that I am not the Protector of the Danish treasury again."
"You think Scherf will pay back his loan now?"
"Who knows, the HEMSTAPO is after him day or night. Did you know he used smuggle in weed to Denmark through his gift operation?"
"Where'd he get the weed from?"
"The Swedish state had been providing it all along. He was a collaborator."
"He'll pay back his loan with his money or his head on the traitor's tree."

At that moment however a gang of Swedes were able to recognize both me and Eddike as prominent Danish citizens. They were only 3 but they had already pulled out their butterfly knives. As one lunged towards my heart Eddike leaped in front of me taking the butterfly knife to the eye! In that moment i could see that one of those Swedes was wearing the traditional Swedish sticker with the words "Hallo! Jag hettar ____ Algaroth!"

Given that extra instant of warning I was able to take my Danish Q4 pistol out and fired off several rounds frantically. I don't think I hit any of them but it sure scared them off. Bending over Eddike I said
"Damnit are you okay?"
"Yeah" he screamed in pain.
"Don't faint from the pain Eddike. I can't carry you back to basecamp, not with these wounds in my stomach still healing! Besides I need you awake so you can direct me how to clean and sow up your wound!"

As we walked the long journey out of the small hamlet, into the forest I noticed he was having a more and more difficult time focusing on the path. I tried to coach him through it in conversation. However he just insisted that all he needed was another cigarette and when we get back he wouldn't mind some brandy as well. That grizzled old man, a fighter if there ever was one.

When we got back to the camp. I myself knelt by his side, and cleaned the wound. We couldn't risk using any form of local anesthetic as we needed him to be conscious enough to give me instructions. Who would've thought that the inside of an eyeball resembled a rubber ball?
As the operation finished we laid Eddike down to rest and as I walked out I stumbled into Skinke.

"How is our old friend Eddike?"
"FUBAR, you wouldn't believe what a small knife can do to a person in the wrong places."
"You'd be surprised what I know about small knives these days."
That line caught me off guard. Did he set this up?
As if he could read my mind he added
"Don't get so damn paranoid Grev! We have the same interests in this war. I don't want to kill you! Besides if I was going to kill you I'd do it after we reclaimed Denmark."
"How's the news from the front?" I responded and changed the subject.
"The Swedes have swarmed Germany 400 strong. The Germans were unable to hold them at Schleswig Holstein. Did you get a communique to the German president?"
"The fucking coward intends to leave his nation when it needs him most. It seems that we are the last few real men in this world Skinke."
"Well the Russians aren't doing any better, but I get the distinct impression that they might be real men who will stay for the cause."
"We will see we will see."

"Grev, I've got some news about the attack 2 days ago. Although it raises more questions than it ansers."
"That's never good news, what is it?"
"We found some evidence of one or more people present, who shouldn't have been. They moved through the trees?"
"What the hell? Surely we aren't dealing with some kind of ape or anything? Not even the Homo-Swedes move through trees anymore?"
"We don't know anything. This is just what we know."

"You wanna hear another Swede joke?"
"A Swede is drowning in a lake and you're the only one around. The ice is thin so as you crawl on your belly towards the whole you notice a large branch beside you that could improve your reach. What do you do?"
"I don't know, what?"
"Swat him down with it to make sure he drowns!"
"HAHAHA, I'll have to tell Eddike that when he wakes up!"