Ce parere au australieni despre noi?

Day 461, 08:52 Published in Romania Romania by konnarcis2

Citind presa australiana in cautarea de informatii pentru a realiza eAustralia - prezentare generala se pare ca am dat peste ceva destul de interesant....ce parere au australieni cu privire la soarta Romaniei.

Artaxerxes pavonis
Hooray to the end of Romania! \o/

There is no doubt that war will break out. eRomania empire will fall down.
Trad : nu este nici o indoiala ca razboiul va izbucni. eRomania empire va cadea.

Australian warlord
Well done Romania. Don't wait for the anti-west block to declare, crush them now, one at a time. Lets hope that Romania crushes Iran. I'd be tempted to help Romania just because a Romanian defeat would bring every western country that much closer to distruction (except I'm not quite at L4 strength to join a mercenary group).
trad : Foarte bine Romania. Nu astepta pentru formarea blocului anti-vest, distruge-i acum, unu cate unu. Sa speram ca Romania ca distruge Iran. As fi tentat sa ajut Romania doar pentru ca o infrangere a Romaniei ar aduce fiecare tara vestica foarte aproape de distrugere.

my knoeitall dad says romanias gunna get wiped. i still wannafight.

Jineom .
Interesting read. I like the Romanian's forward defense tactics. I am sure Atlantis will not sit there while their powerhouse is been over ran by Indonesia, Iran and Pakistan. This will be interesting to see.

ATLANTIS hate Romania tho...

This should be interesting. I hope it does turn into a world war, I'd like to see a little more action. Of course, it won't really affect us, since we're surrounded by Indonesia...

looks like eINDONESIA, eIRANIAN, en /v/akistani try to take down eGOD LAND
it was kinda interesting

general idea : I hope this will end the evil ruling of eRomania over eRussia and other occupied countries.

Deci se pare ca in mare parte australieni ne doresc distrugerea... fara sa isi de-a seama ca facand asta isi semneaza propria lor distrugere... avand in vedere ca sunt incercuiti de eIndonezia.