Candidature for CP February 2018 lviz Fer

Day 3,722, 08:36 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by lviz Fer

Swiss friends and people around the globe

I am lviz Fer, long standing swiss citizen. I had participated many times in swiss government in big and small assignments, 20 times elected congressman in Switzerland and a lot of experience and reliance gained through the years.
This month I am running for CP with the support of The Pirates of Switzerland and this are my proposals for the term:

Active citizens
The country have three great projects, Aviator, RH Squad and Media Mogul Project. This projects are encouraging swiss players to be more active; this programs also are projecting Switzerland in the international scene.
My main goal is to improve and expand them with hard work and continuity from me and my team; organization and promotion for this programs is a key factor in their success.

Stronger alliances
Create strong links with allied countries and friends.
I can't divulge this plan of action, however through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the objective will be to create closer ties with those countries that we consider friends and allies.

Economic stability
A great country needs a great administration of its resources. Assign someone trusty to manage our treasury is indispensable, revitalize the use of our Org’s can bring some extra profit, we can’t keep living from taxes.

Let’s incentive those critical and creative pens. Another interesting way of keeping active players and bring foreign ones is through media, we can recruit players and give them a fee for interviews, analysis and a lot of interesting or funny stuff.

In military terms I want to keep the TW with Taiwan, but with help of the profit that we might get from the Org’s we can start to think about a better chance to land that juicy AS.

I am having conversations with swiss players to gather a competitive and responsible team, as soon as I complete my gabinet a new article will be publish. If anyone wants to join the cabinet contact me, everyone is welcome.

Times for Switzerland are getting better, let’s keep this trend that way with work and unity.

The future of our country is in your hands.