Candidates for the eUS Branch President

Day 2,485, 08:54 Published in USA USA by SAR97
This is special report with what the candidates have to say
Candidates for eUS Branch President
Arith, Carhugar1, and Mrawesome3412
Also Dave Gulya drop out

Arith: i also run for president i am have been grateful for the support of all the members in esalvation army I have been in this game long enough and as well have been experience in many position,However I know when I first started erepublik there was little to no friends thus it was hard thereby my policy for this charity is to help new members financially and provide them support that they need like friendship.Also I aim to make esalvation a place to remember, a place to have fun,a place of understanding.Pulse i plan to not only increase donations but to allocate the funds financially.These are my experiences:
Currently a FED media reporter
former ambassador of eUSA to eIndia
Current ambassador of eUSA to Pakistan
Current member of congress(6)
Former captain of NG(National guard)squad M3 Hammer

Carhugar1: Now this article is specifically to announce my running for the presidential spot on the board of the #eSalvationArmy US Branch.

So lets talk about me Carhugar1, I could simply write down all the things that I have done in the past and the titles given to me. Did you hear that though, they are just titles made up but other people that doesn't leave way for my character to show through, thus I choose to never "show off" past positions. I feel like a persons true character shows by how much RL time they dedicate to something like this eCharity. I mean this isn't something you can put on a real world resume to get a job. Thus I would like to thank the other runners for all the time that they have dumped into a silly game like this. Now if you think that they are a better candidate please vote for them, this article isn't about me trying to look better. Anyone of us will do the job proud. I was just trying to let you know how I see things and let everyone know of my candidacy. Welp, If you ever want to talk I always tend to be on my personal Channel #Carhugar1 on IRC or you can just private message me whenever too.


Mrawesome3412: I will also run for president of eSalvationArmy US. even though I don't have much experience politics as others, that it better for me cause I was new in January it was hard to play the game cause the food run out and had no money and hard to fight cause I had no weapons, now I can do that and more and I don't what anyone to do go what went though. So if I was president I what more people to help, get more supplies, even if I have to pay the food, weapons, and gold, know the people a little more, and hopefully get more helpers as president of eSalvationArmy US.


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