Day 2,232, 01:13 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by perilouspanther

Dear readers!

I announce Neil is going in for UKPP at CP! Neil is a great man and is just the person we need to lead us out of the trouble Chew got us in to. He is a true brit' so he has, since his eBirth been a brit' and fought along side brits' also just what we want - remember when we voted in the last Foreigner!

Neil is also a very experienced man who is lvl 52 and was eBorn on Feb 17th 2012 - not as old as lots but still pretty old and nearly 2 years old. He has the military rank of God of War *. You probably ask - why tell us this? So you know he is a strong leader, I mean would you feel safe with a CP who is level 10 and a Lieutenant?

Neil Lewis

His profile: Neil Lewis

Give him your vote next elections!!

Until next article,
