Canada's Last Stand - The Siege of Ontario

Day 624, 23:28 Published in Canada Malaysia by Vikta

As PEACE troops pour into Ontario and begin their march towards the city of Toronto, Canadaian leaders huddle inside the nation's capital Ottawa defending Canada's last region alongside its allies.

Inside Parliament Hill, home of the Canadian Government, the mood is somber, but uplifting at same time, as the prospect of holding Canada's last region remains a real possibility. Canada and its 14 allies have held the PEACE forces at the boarder area, but the heavy tanks of PEACE are still yet to be deployed.

Our Malaysian Chronicles rarely takes a side in an international conflict, but we are sad to see the last region of any country fall. This is Canada's last stand; no matter how tired you are, not matter how hungry you are, no matter how afraid you are, and no matter how dark the day seems, you must defend yourself to the end and preserve the dream of a Canadian homeland. You must lift the siege and fight till the end.

The future of your homeland lays in front of you, Canada. For possibly the last time, put on your boots and fight for your nation!