Canada Part 2.

Day 1,151, 14:14 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman

The 50 States


Canada attempted sword rattling has had no effect on the moral on the USA troops and civilians; it has actually made them stronger. Canada’s gambit has seemed too failed, but no one knows what there real intentions are. (Here I will place my opinion, though I will try and make it as factual as possible) It could be an attempt to prod our new President and see how far they can go until they get reprimanded. It is not an accident (in my opinion) that this proposal to declare war with the USA comes right after our new Pres. was elected, though with a newly elected Pres. comes trails and tribulations. Though this is expected, look at our real life Pres. North Korea was pushing his buttons to see how far they can go. Canada sword rattling attempt was probably the Canadian government testing the new US government. Though the US government has seemed to handle this well, it is still not clear if Canada will follow through with the war, or try more sword rattling. Some people say that this attempted war needs retribution and the US should declare war with Canada, as the Canada Pres. said “the only reason I would declare is for economical reasons”. Though some say that it is a big understanding, while others say if Canada prods us more, there needs to be reprimanding. No one knows what Canada’s next move is, Canada is avoiding extreme reprimanding by the US by saying that there Pres. was hacked, though there is no proof to prove or disprove this. The US Pres. wants to add Canada to PANAM, but as we can see by the vote down and the attempted declaration of war, Canada’s not interested. Though Haliman still tries to improve relations with Canada, only he knows if it’s working or not. Canada’s next move is unknown, but so is the US’s next move is also unknown, though it seems unlikely that Haliman will declare war. (Personal note) Well Haliman, the US people are watching you and Canada and some of the world, with big positions comes big responsibility, this is your time to shine or fail.
-Chris Hartman (Editor and Director)

Proposed by Valnad, President of Sweden proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Proposed on Day 1,150. Outcome: Accepted 40-11.

Proposed by Haliman, President of USA proposed a mutual protection pact with Bulgaria.
Proposed on Day 1,150. Outcome: Accepted 49-0.

Proposed by Dumb Emma, Do you agree to transfer 1785 BRL from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on Day 1,150. Outcome: Accepted 48-1.

Proposed by muschaw, Minimum wage change from 4 USD to 1 USD. Proposed on Day 1,150.

Proposed by The Sensei, Do you agree to transfer 76046 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on Day 1,151. Prediction: Accepted ?-?.


Jammu and Kashmir are conquered by the USA.

North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan, was conquered by the USA.

Northeast of Mexico was conquered by Resistance force of Mexico in the war versus USA. Loss of land by the USA.

-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

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