Canada and JDR interview

Day 1,149, 17:08 Published in USA USA by Chris Hartman
The 50 States
Canada proposed war with the USA, as seen on Perpetual Motion. Canada’s Pres proposed war on USA, though he claims to be hacked. Canada is a much smaller country, militarily specking and Canada’s Pres. Doesn’t seem to want to war USA, though he always wanted to for economical reasons. Canada’s sword rattling has not seemed to scare the USA at all, but wants them to “bring it on”. Canada can’t hope to win without a good ally, such as Poland or something along those lines. Now for the JDR1986 interview.

Why are you a better candidate than your opponents?

I am a better candidate due to the following:

I have showed my dedication to the party over months of various party leadership activity. I am an active member of both the Federalist Forums and the eUS forums. I have been on the national scene as IES Director and served as a congressman. Under my leadership of the Political Department the Federalists saw the highest numbers of congressmen elected. As VPP each of the departments were reported on and ran effectively. As the Director of the FOP all dispatches were on a set schedule and were dispatched without fail on time, even if I had to send them myself.

I have the time, dedication, and commitment to reform the Federalist Party into the Great party it once was.

What do you think about Canada almost declaring war on us?

I feel like it was a misunderstanding that was taken too far by both the US and Canada. We have always been good allies and to see such a disagreement is always sad. I think it goes to show that a better foreign minister could have been selected this month however.

What would you do to change the feds if you where elected?

I have some great ideas to improve the Federalists this month. However the best place to get a full list of everything I plan to do this month can be found in my newspaper.

What do you think of Haliman and his cabinet?

Honestly after watching the SEES debate I was a little worried. SGGhays showed himself to be a much better candidate on that ticket. So far Haliman has not done anything detrimental. However as I mentioned on the Canada issue I believe some of the offices could have been picked better.

What kind of people would you let run for Congress representing the feds?

I will let any qualified, active candidate run to represent the Federalists. I especially want to allow sixth party candidates the opportunity.

Would you run again if you won?

Absolutely, If I receive the nominations again next month I would run another campaign.

Would you run again if you lost?

I have been running for the last 5 months and haven't won yet. I believe that my leadership will only push the Federalist party further in the right direction so if I lost this month I would run again next month.

What would you do differently from Greene12?

I agree with Greene that the FEC has flaws that should be fixed. However freezing out FEC till the 23rd last month was not good for the country or the image of the Federalist party. If I have a problem with any government program I will bring it up to the Federalist congressmen and see about ways to fix the program in congress, The right way!

You seem to be running a little behind in the primary poll; does that bother you at all?

You know at first when I was behind 9-21 I was really worried that I would once again lose the primary and not be able to represent the party. However due to the articles from both me and Jacksondr5 and the mass mailing of my excellent friend Ibnroshed I am only behind by 4 votes and so I am not worried at all. Especially since I know that Angelini will be able to effectively lead the party if she does win.


Proposed by Athanaric, Pakistan has been proposed as Natural Enemy. Proposed on Day 1,148.Outcome: Accepted 48-5.

Proposed by Julian Mizu,. Do you agree to transfer 99999 USD from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on Day 1,148 Outcome: Accepte😛 43-2.

Proposed by Dumb Emma, Do you agree to transfer 1785 BRL from the country accounts to Congressional Budget Office? Proposed on Day 1,149. Prediction: Land slide Yes.

Proposed by Nihoof, President of Brazil proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Proposed on Day 1,149. Prediction: Land slide Yes.

Proposed by Valnad, President of Sweden proposed a mutual protection pact with USA. Proposed on Day 1,149. Prediction: Close Yes.

None ATM
-Editor: Chris Hartman
-Reporter: CaptJustice

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