Can You Not See?

Day 589, 07:37 Published in North Korea Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

To Celio.
I have been in North Korea little over 24 hours now. I have seen a friendly and hardworking community. I have seen a fledgling military with so much potential. I have seen a congress that co-operates and works together for the good of the country. And I have seen you.

Already I am getting sick of the massive amounts of spam that you leave wherever you go. The media recently has been full of your articles denouncing the government, or making wild accusations at your opponents. You are also the most trigger happy reporter I have met in my whole time in the game, and are determined to get half the country banned, even though you refuse to believe that you were banned even though we have proof and the in game admins will back us up on that one, it is pointless to even try to deny it. I am sure you will find something the slightest wrong with this article and report it, but admins please listen to the citizens of North Korea when we say this, we reported accounts we believed to be fake that belonged to Celio, they have been banned but he has not.

Celio, most of the people here want to build up a good country. They want a strong and vibrant community, and we deserve that. You are holding us back with your wild accusations and your excessive spam that you force upon us.

To others reading, please sign below if you wish Celio to leave. It will give him a strong clear message that we do not want him here in our community. Celio, I am not being malicious, I simply want to enjoy the game.
Many Thanks

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