Can eRepublik change your personality?

Day 1,554, 09:56 Published in Slovenia Slovenia by Ice Killa
For all the readers, I'm sorry for the wall of text in advance.

It's impossible to say for others if it has influenced them or not. Some like to keep their thinking away from this game, just play it a few minutes a day, others just block the feelings they get in this game ruled by other people. Yes, I intentionally said game ruled by other people, that's what eRepublik is. It's up to you if you will create your name in this game and so is the case in real life, real life that knows no boundaries, eRepublik does, but they are simply said wiped out when it comes to real emotions, feelings, thoughts. At the end, when it comes to the main question, whether eRepublik can change or shift something in your thinking, it's kind of hard to say it cannot or it didn't. You learned many many and many things again and again, and if that's not enough, you discovered other cultures, how they think, how they relate to others. You may not like it or adore it, up to you again, but that's one of the changes in your personality that other cultures can bring. It's a definition of change. Once hated, shortly after loved.

Even if you dislike someone from a virtual country, keep in mind that he may not share the same feelings. It may be in real life too, countries are just an imaginary thing that this game provokes, provokes emotions so people may fight against each other in the quest that admins may pursue as much gold as possible. That's the whole ideology of this game and those who spend their money on it, well, let's not be that harsh, they keep it going. I suppose it's in our minds and thoughts to help our countrymen and our country itself. A thing I dislike but I cannot resist it. I would two-faced if I didn't say I like my country, I like Slovenian clubs, that's one of the things, but I still dislike the definition of a country since it's plain stupid from its basis, but let's rather leave that behind.

ERepublik changing your personality? Yes, of course it influenced me a lot. Ages ago, when I didn't play this game, I didn't even know of the Macedonian-Bulgarian dispute for example and not due to the fact I don't watch things evolving around me, I simply never thought the European countries had so many tensions. Once you see it from the whole perspective, it's the same everywhere, you get maniacs claiming to do good things for their country everywhere. And yes, partially eRepublik changed or influenced on me. I found out that fighting against your enemies is never a wise thing, the easier would be if we just ignore them all together, or not even fall into conflicts. But for that you need to master art of patience, as I like too call it, a seek for your sense of living as I like to call it. Everyone who goes deep into his thoughts can eventually find it, everyone, I repeat. Even if you say at start that may not be the case, it is, and how do I know it? I have been through it.

For those who can sense and like the changes, this game might have changed their view on life, for those who simply stick to their old ideology, that is at the same time unwise, stupid and childish, for those it may not. Oh, if I told you that games were never meant for you to hate each other, but to find true sense in making friends from other countries, would you believe me?

It gives you many happy moments, sad ones and even stressful ones. At times you would wish you could escape this curse, but you can't, you decided to do it and you will finish it. I always looked at things like this, if I go through something, I will know how they felt and in this case I can without a doubt say what kind of pressure are the politics feeling while being in charge of our countries. ERepublik might not be the appropriate example for the amount of duties it has at the moment, but in the early version of this game everything was up to the president. Everything and with that I mean all the hard decisions, it can drive you mad at times, only someone with a strong will and mind can do it.

I suppose this game changed you in many ways. When you came to eRepublik you were all wearing avatars resembling your countries, now you don't have that anymore. Ask yourselves why? The answer is, you found that this game isn't about nationalistic shit surrounding us. Some even joined this game to wipe out their bordering country in real life, at first it may have succeeded, but doesn't it get kind of dull time after time again doing the same old thing? I could assume after some time, months, a year people change and look at how they were treating things some time ago from a new point of view. I sure did, and thanks to eRepublik, found out the pointless facts of what arguing over internet is. I like to refer to myself that I do not play eRepublik, I only seek to write articles on it. But yes, I know in theory that's active playing. So be it, I still adore to share my thoughts out here - it's how this game changes me as well, and you and you...

At the end, the final assumption is. The game itself changed you all, just recently you found out how fast time goes by. Once he was an active tank making millions of damage for the countries he supported, now he's all of a sudden dead. Yes, I'm talking about Don KronoX. You found out that nothing is everlasting, neither are alliances and neither are you... Let's think about things like this, in real life things happen at a slower rate than in eRepublik, but it's same old thing. Changes happen all the time. And from that point of view, you were changed in the way you look at things.