Calling for a Boycott against the Indonesian food company!

Day 84, 00:00 Published in Japan Japan by Wej

The Indonesian food company, "PT Borneo Foods Tbk", has many times dragged down our market. He is a level 2 company, and selling lower then the lvl 1 on our market, and because he gets too much food, he thinks he can screw with our economy. I have asked him countless times to keep the price up to at least what the others are. I was even going to lower the import tax soon, so he could get a better profit. But he doesn't seem to care for us!

I am sick of them, and I am hopping you guys will join in on a boycott against their company, to show that we are not to be messed with. Anytime they lower it down lower then the level 1 companies, I wish for us not to buy from them.

The freedom of capitalism allows them to do this, but the right to petition allows us to boycott! So lets show that the other people, if they wish to export to us, don't screw with our economy!