Call for Embargo against Germany

Day 518, 19:42 Published in Israel Belgium by Justin Moore

Justin Moore
Israelite Ambassador to Austria

In my communications with Austria, We have many things in common as nations, we are both struggling under oppressive rule regarding most of our regions, struggling yet growing economy’s and a growing yet still problematic leadership at times.(No offense meant Sadeh and congressman) I am working on a draft non-binding resolution that would be posted worldwide expressing Israel’s support for Austria and calling for an end to the German’s oppressive rule and denouncing the Idea of a german-austrio union that the arrogant president of Germany wants, I know he is arrogant because I have a lot of communication with him in my work thus far! This resolution would be non-binding and mentions that fact that they are peace and we are Atlantis, but we are starting to bridge the gap and push for peace between the huge alliances as small nations. When I say call for an end to German oppressive rule and the idea of a german-austio union, it is done and clearly stated in the resolution that this is meant in a non-aggressive, non assertive manner but as a statement of confidence in our relations that will be displayed to the world. Face Value material folks. It also mentions the support of Israel citizens to help defend Austria independently but completely rules out Israel government support and IDF support in case of war with Germany.
This is different because they are peace and we are Atlantis techniquely. This is why I support Israel remaining free and independent so that we can choose our allies, and they are not already set for us, As a matter of fact; I promote the end of Atlantis and Peace all together and just have independent alliances as fit, or the creation of a United Nations Security Council that is implemented by the administrators into the game where issues can be resolved., but anyway moving on. This is different and may upset some people, but this needs to be done as we do support Austria in her struggles.
The next biggest thing we can do, and I call upon congress to examine this and I will pm each one individually and the president about this, is enact a Trading Embargo upon Germany for its actions. Italy holds some of Austria’s regions, but they are not aggressive in doing this, they are basically holding them to keep Germany from taking them.
So in short, I promote a Trading Embargo or Blockade upon German goods! Shall we take this up? Lets hear what everyone has to say. And no B.S propaganda please, or story lines. Yes, or NO and why or why not!

Justin Moore
Israelite Ambassador to Austria