California early-battle Report.

Day 654, 14:15 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

With 4 hours of the battle in California over with, the eUS and allies have been able to successfully push the wall about 15k into the underground. So far, there has been almost no real PEACE resistance. The lack of Indonesian participation is most likely the fact that it is currently about 3:00 a.m. in Indonesia, and most citizens there are asleep, and unaware that California is under attack, or that their president has been banned for that matter. It is also likely that up until now the Indonesians did not want to waste damage on a battle that we had an option to retreat in, although this is no longer likely from anybody's point of view given how much damage the eUS has already dealt.

We can most likely start seeing real attempts from Indo to keep California in a few hours, and I think that the fighting will become quite fierce at that point. Just because we have the underground now does not by any means ensure victory. This battle can, and most likely will, turn very ugly, and the wall will take huge spikes up and huge spikes down. All we can do is keep laying down as much damage as we have to give, and hope that in the last hour when the tanks come rolling through that we don't have a repeat of last time. Keep up the good fight eAmerica!

Edit: Wall in California is -100k with 19:15:00 left to go. Heading in the right direction 🙂

Go USA!!!
Death to PEACE!!!