Cabinet February Elections CP

Day 3,729, 17:57 Published in Switzerland Switzerland by lviz Fer

Friends and allies all around the globe.

Road to CP

In my 5 years of experience I’ve been part of important changes, amazing cabinets and incredible MU’s, always learning everything I can, now it is time to use this knowledge in favor of a brighter future for Switzerland, a future where everyone has voice and vote.

To make this possible I have attached a team of incredible people and great players.

A country is anything without legends, we have the greatest legend of Switzerland around us, that’s why Rican as one of the most experienced citizens of our country can contribute with wise pieces of advice as Prime Minister.

In this times of low activity is very important to keep strong ties with our allies, for this task I have by my side one of the better MoFA’s I have ever seen, BlackBeard1, also along him MugiwaraNight will manage our finances.

Great work is something I always recognize and appreciate, that’s why I want to keep Vincent Rekdal as our MoE. He has done a great work making good projects and projecting Switzerland to the international scenario with the MM Project.

In times of uncertainty our best way of keep our regions safe is through a good coordination in our militar module and a lot of knowledge in geopolitics. The TrendoReborn, despite his citizenship, has showed a great interest and conviction to the swiss cause.

My team and I will do everything to keep growing as a nation, fortifying our alliances and the most important, bringing fun to swiss people.

Experience and commitment is by my side, this February 5th the future is in your hands.