Day 1,292, 14:32 Published in India USA by India101
Brothers and sisters I am proud to announce that now as I look out of the window in Plodiv,Bulgaria the Bulgarian Army prepares for battle. Many of us have been directed to fight for the Bulgraian resistance. As of now, two regions have been taken from the SERBIANS! I hold my head up proud and say that I am proud to have done about 10k influence for the Bulgrian resistance in their efforts to free Plodiv.

Risen they have, and Strong they will stand!

As i write this article, my heart is joyful and the grief is washed away with a new vision of a restored Bulgaria. Already another resistance war has started agianst the serbian government. When I wrote my article- RIP Bulgraia, I said that it would be the job of the PEOPLE to rise up to the challenge. The PEPOLE my brothers and sisters have risen to the challange and have brang with them international support from their allies. Each and every citizen is bonded with the next like brothers that make up an iron border around Bulgraia! Strong they have stand and strong they will stand!!

I India101 a proud Indian patriot salute the country of bulgaria and all of it's pepole. I know I don't just speak on behalf of myself when I say that you may have inspired many oppresed regions to fight out against their oppresseors. I hope that my Indian and EDEN comrades will join me in saluting Bulgaria! SALUTE BULGARIA! SALUTE BULGARIA!

Jai Hind!
Jai Bulgaria!,