Building Blocks

Day 1,535, 15:38 Published in South Africa South Africa by Epic Thoughts

With the recent arguments, movements to censure, childish name calling, and the running away of unsuccessful individuals, this country is beginning to realize something.

That we need to grow up.

But the question is always the same, my fellow eSouth Africans. What is it we will give up? What is it we want? Do we want to follow suit with so many before us? Or do we want to blaze a new path? Do we want to follow a road to greatness?

Or do we want to redefine the word?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the forums, let me introduce you to them.

This is where South Africans go to talk shop, to be social, and to shout at each other as laws and proposals are discussed. I strongly advise each and every South African to register and begin to participate here.

Because it is here that the foundations of South African are being determined.

There are those among us who, in the wake of the Wingfield Debacle, and Wincenty1's illegal granting of citizenship to several Polish e😜atriots, who are looking to impede and infringe on many rights that we take for granted in the current state of affairs.

South Africa is an e-nation without a real identity. We've been wiped off the map so many times that people in the New World thing of us as something of a passing curiosity. How long this time, they wonder, until we're driven under again?

But that lack of an identity is drawing to an end. And there are people who would take a great deal of the enjoyment out of this game, and replace it instead with some facsimile of Robert's Rules of Order. Some archaic, draconian and obscure set of laws and customs meant only to stifle freedom of speech and freedom of association, forcing each and every individual who wishes to be social in this game into a preordained social order.

These people are nothing short of social engineers, looking to see what they can get away with.

It is up to every single South African to rise up, to go to the forums, and to refuse to have their social interactions with each other policed. It is up to all of us to shout these pseudo-hypereducated people down, until they finally understand; the only South Africa worth having is a free one.

Dignity now and dignity forever.

Epic Thoughts